"Achieving Excellence In Education"
District & Board Goals
2024-2025 District Goals
- To successfully implement a new math program across all grade levels that promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and aligns with state standards, ensuring the rigor of content is maintained and assessed consistently throughout the academic year. (Strategic Plan Goal #1: Teaching and Learning)
- Increase overall student attendance across the district within the academic year through targeted interventions, community engagement, and support systems that address barriers to regular attendance. (Strategic Plan Goal #4: The Whole Child).
- To enhance our culture of acceptance and awareness with staff, students, and the community through mental health and social emotional learning opportunities (Strategic Plan Goal #2: Global Citizenship and Strategic Plan Goal #4: The Whole Child)
2024-2025 Board Goals
- Provide support to the Administration in the pursuit and achievement of the District Goals.
- The Board commits to pursuing training opportunities both individually and as a full Board including completion of the board self-evaluation.
- Provide support for the next strategic plan process.
- Continue to maintain open communication with our community and to support the district’s communication efforts in relation to school funding changes.